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  • Il-Futur Tagħna, jibda hawn. Illum!
    MERĦBA! 👋 Il-Futur Tagħna, jibda hawn. Illum!

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    Our vision for Malta 2030 🇲🇹

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    Miegħek. Għal Malta 🇲🇹

    L-għażla li ħa jkollna quddiemna fl-elezzjoni ġenerali li ġejja mhix se tkun biss għażla bejn sett ta proposti. Imma se tkun għażla fundamentali dwar x’tip ta’ pajjiż nixtiequ ngħixu fih. Dwar x’Malta ħa nkunu qed nibnu miegħek.

    My Vision 👁️


    Our future generations’ education should be aimed at nurturing critical thinking and analytical mindsets, rather than feeding information without proper understanding. An educational system with formation, not information, at its core.

    Free Wi-Fi

    No one should be denied access to the digital world, whatever his income or social status. A small country such as Malta should therefore have a free Wi-Fi service throughout, and we should invest heavily in digital education and IT software development to target students at younger ages.

    Better Environment

    Clean air for everyone. Malta is still far off from achieving its targets against air-pollution. The two biggest sources of pollution in our country – energy generation and traffic – need to be tackled via direct government investment in renewable electricity generation and the electrification of our transport fleet.

    Public Spaces

    Outdoor public spaces and more greenery. The government’s role should be to create and protect pockets of public space for the benefit of all, not just the privileged few.

    Social Welfare

    The government should incentivise cross-generational relief schemes, where younger people could “adopt” our elderly and keep them company on a voluntary basis. Money is not the only thing people need; our social welfare system should also address the ever-increasing solitude debt.

    Good Governance

    Good governance and clean politics. Politics should be a tool that serves the interests of the people by focusing on the common good; not a tool to turn public goods into personal profit. Politicians should be held accountable to higher ethical standards and lead by example.

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